Red flowers of Black Beech tree |
Bush Lawyer flowers and leaves |
Leaves and flowers, Bush Lawyer |
Close up Bush Lawyer flower |
Native tree Fuchsia branch |
Close up NZ fuchsia flower |
Close up native Fuchsia flowers |
Close up NZ Native Fuchsia flower |
Flowers of Corokia contoneaster |
Close up Rata vine flowers |
Chatham Is leaf pattern |
Chatham Is forget-me-not leaf |
Chatham Island Forget-me-not |
Close up of NZ Orchid in flower |
Close up NZ native orchid flower |
Close up NZ Greenhood orchid |
Close up Groundsel flowers |
Native Groundsel |
Coprosma flowers |
Coprosma flowers |
Rata flowers |
Flax flowers |
Native orchids |
Native Xmas Orchids |
Native orchids |
Native Orchid |
Subantarctic megaherb |
Coprosma flowers, taupata |
Flax flowers, NZ native |
Tui bird and Kowhai flowers |
NZ Lilac flower |
Karaka flowers |
Lemonwood flowers |
Lemonwood flowers, native |
Lemonwood flowers, native |
Lemonwood flowers, native |
Lemonwood flowers |
Native tree Fuchsia |
Cabbage tree flowers |
NZ Clematis |
Winika, native orchid |
NZ native orchid |
Native sun orchid |
Sea Holly |
Onion leaved orchid |
NZ Mistletoe |
Bulbinella flowers |
Astelia flowers |
Snow Marguerite |
Giant Buttercup |
Anistome flowers |
Hover fly on flower |
Groundsel |
Matagouri |
Kowhai trees |
Kowhai flowering |
Kowhai tress |
Kowhai flowers |
Kowhai flowers |
Lacebark flowers |