Red Beech tree flowers |
Kanuka flowers |
Waipiro Bay, East Coast |
Waipiro Bay, East Coast |
Waipiro Bay, East Coast |
Chatham Island forget-me-not |
Chatham Island forget-me-not |
Chatham Island forget-me-not |
Speargrass tips, NZ native |
Speargrass tips, NZ native |
Water buttercups, NZ native |
Water buttercups, NZ native |
Water buttercups, NZ native |
Poor Knights Lily flowers emerging |
NZ native Mountain Aniseed |
NZ native Mountain Aniseed |
Speargrass flower |
Speargrass flower |
Cudweed flowers, NZ native |
Cudweed flowers, NZ native |
Cudweed flowers, NZ native |
Chionochloa flavicans flowers |
Tararua speargrass |
Tararua speargrass |
Tararua speargrass |
Hebe buchananii |
Hebe buchananii |
Summer camping, Coromandel |
Summer camping, Coromandel |
Native Bronze Cranes-bill flowers |
Goat Is. marine reserve, Leigh |
Pohutukawa blooms on beach |
Pohutukawa blooms |
Boating, Wenderholm, Auckland |
Goat Is. marine reserve, Leigh |
Goat Is. marine reserve, Leigh |
Goat Is. marine reserve, Leigh |
Rangihoua Pa, Marsden Cross, BoI |
Marsden Cross, Kerikeri |
Marsden Cross track, Kerikeri |
Kawakawa fruit, native shrub |
Kawakawa fruit, native shrub |
NZ sand convolvulus |
NZ sand convolvulus |
Flower of the NZ hibiscus |
Flower of the NZ hibiscus |
Native Pokaka flowering |
Native Pokaka flowering |
NZ native broom flowers |
NZ native broom flowers |
NZ Streamside Hebe |
NZ Streamside Hebe |
NZ Streamside Hebe |
NZ Streamside Hebe |
NZ Marbleleaf flowers |
Marlborough Rock Daisy |
Marlborough Rock Daisy |
Marlborough Rock Daisy |
Marlborough Rock Daisy |
Marlborough Rock Daisy |