Flower buds of native daisy |
Two flower buds of native daisy |
Flower bud of rock daisy |
Rock Daisy bud |
Spiky head of native Bidibidi |
Flower of the Poor Knights Lily |
Poor Knights Lily flowers |
Flowering flower native lily |
Flower of the Poor Knights Lily |
Natvie lily flower |
Flowering everlastin daisy |
Flower of everlasting daisy |
NZ naive daisy |
Native Akeake flowers |
Native Akeake flowers |
Native speargrass flower head |
Native Speargrass flower head |
Rata flower pollen |
Rata flower pollen |
Rata flower |
Rata flowers |
Native hebe flowers |
Zig-zag bush |
Zig-zag bush |
Gentian flowers, Tararua Ranges |
Southern main range, Tararuas |
Southern main range, Tararuas |
Enderby Island coastline |
Southern rata, Enderby Island |
Southern rata forest, Enderby Is |
Enderby Is Rata forest and coast |
Southern Rata flowers |
Hooker's Sea lions, Enderby Is |
Hooker's Sea lions, Enderby Is |
Hooker's Sea lions,Enderby Island |
Clyde Boat Quay, Wellington |
Northern Rata |
Northern Rata |
Northern Rata flowers |
Northern Rata |
Pohutukawa tree in blossom |
Pohutukawa tree in blossom |
Matauri Bay Beach, Northland |
Matauri Bay Beach, Northland |
Matauri Bay Beach, Northland |
Pohutukawa tree flowers close up |
Pohutukawa tree flowers close up |
Pohutukawa tree flowers close up |
Flax flower heads |
Flax flower heads |
Pohutukawa flower close up |
Pohutukawa buds |
Parliament Buildings, Wgtn |
Parliament Buildings, Wgtn |
Parliament Bldgs. Wgtn |
Parliament Bldgs, Wgtn |
Parliament Buildings |
Paliament Bldgs, Wgtn |
Parliament Bldgs, Wgtn |
Parliament Bldgs, Wgtn |