St James' Church, Kerikeri |
Pompallier Mission, Bay of Islands |
Pompallier Mission, Bay of Islands |
Pompallier Mission, Bay of Islands |
Pompallier Mission, Bay of Islands |
Pompallier Mission, Bay of Islands |
Pompallier Mission, Bay of Islands |
Supplejack vine flowers, native |
Hurworth historic cottage, Taranaki |
Hurworth historic cottage, Taranaki |
Native NZ Hebe in bloom |
Native NZ Hebe in bloom |
NZ's oldest church, musket shot |
NZ's oldest church, Bay of Islands |
Couldrey House, Wenderholm |
Flower of the NZ hibiscus |
Flower of the NZ hibiscus |
Alexandra Redoubt, Tuakau |
Alpine cushion plant |
Alpine cushion plant |
Alpine cushion plant |
Alpine cushion plant |
NZ native broom flowers |
NZ native broom flowers |
NZ native broom flowers |
NZ native broom flowers |
NZ native broom flowers |
NZ native broom flowers |
NZ native broom flowers |
NZ Streamside Hebe |
NZ Streamside Hebe |
NZ Marbleleaf flowers |
NZ Marbleleaf flowers |
NZ Marbleleaf flowers |
NZ Marbleleaf flowers |
NZ Marbleleaf flowers |
Marlborough Rock Daisy |
Tasmanian Flax-lily |
NZ native Bulbinella flower |
NZ native Bulbinella flower |
NZ native Bulbinella flower |
NZ native Bulbinella flower |
Native Kaikomako flowering |
Seafarers' memorial, Nelson |
Seafarers' memorial, Nelson |
Petone Beach, Wellington |
Petone Beach, Wellington |
Petone Beach, Wellington |
Petone Beach, Wellington |
Petone Beach, Wellington |
Petone Beach, Wellington |
Petone Beach, Wellington |
Petone Beach, Wellington |
Petone Beach, Wellington |
Petone Beach, Wellington |
Spring blooms, mass daffodils |
Spring blooms, mass daffodils |
Spring daffodils, Nelson |
Spring daffodils, Nelson |
Silver Wattle tree flowers |