Oamaru's old Post Office bldg |
Larnach's Castle, Dunedin |
Larnach's Castle, Dunedin |
Dunedin Railway Station |
Dunedin Railway Station |
Bidibidi seed heads and flowers |
Bidibidi seed heads and flowers |
NZ Pimelea flowers |
Kiekie flowers |
Kiekie in flower |
King Dick statue, Hokitika |
Miners' Hall, Runanga |
Miners' Hall, Runanga |
Silver Beech tree flowers |
Silver Beech tree flowers |
Silver Beech tree flowers |
Silver Beech tree flowers |
Red Beech tree flowers |
Red Beech tree flowers |
Red Beech tree flowers |
Red Beech tree flowers |
Isel House, Stoke, Nelson |
Lord Rutherford's birthplace |
Nelson's heritage precinct South St |
Nelson's heritage precinct South St |
Kanuka flowers |
Kanuka flowers |
Waipiro Bay, East Coast |
Waipiro Bay, East Coast |
Waipiro Bay, East Coast |
Waipiro Bay, East Coast |
Waipiro Bay, East Coast |
Kowhai flowers |
Chatham Island forget-me-not |
Rata vine flowers panorama |
Rata vine flowers panorama |
Speargrass tips, NZ native |
Speargrass tips, NZ native |
Speargrass tips |
Poor Knights Lily flowers emerging |
Poor Knights Lily flowers emerging |
Poor Knights Lily flowers emerging |
Poor Knights Lily flowers emerging |
NZ native Mountain Aniseed |
Hebe odora flowers |
Cudweed flowers, NZ native |
Native Forget-me-not flowers |
Native Forget-me-not flowers |
Hebe buchananii |
Hebe buchananii |
Summer camping, Coromandel |
Pinatoro (Pimelea) Flowers |
Pinatoro (Pimelea) Flowers |
Mt Karioi from Raglan |
Christchurch botanical gardens |
Avon River and park, Christchurch |
Avon River, Christchurch |
Punting on the Avon, Christchurch |
Punting on the Avon, Christchurch |
Native Bronze Cranes-bill flowers |