Cudweed flowers, NZ native |
Chionochloa flavicans flowers |
Hebe buchananii |
Hebe odora |
Old Man Range, Otago |
Mangonui township |
Wild lupin flowers |
Wild lupin flowers |
Northern Coromandel lookout |
Inkweed plant pest |
Inkweed plant pest |
Inkweed plant pest |
Inkweed plant pest |
Christchurch botanical gardens |
White clover flowers |
Lake Taylor campsite, Lake Sumner |
Kaimanawa wild horse stallions |
Dandelion seedhead |
Tarndale cob homestead, Molesworth |
Tarndale, old hut, Molesworth |
High country stockman and dogs |
High country stockman and dogs |
Molesworth Station mustering |
Blue borage flowers in grass |
High country stockman and dogs |
High country stockman and dogs |
High country stockman and dogs |
Te Toto Gorge, Raglan |
Mt Karioi track walkers, Raglan |
Marsden Cross, BoI |
Rangihoua Pâ, Marsden Cross, BoI |
Marsden Cross, Kerikeri |
Te Aroha hot springs |
Te Kooti's last stand, Te Porere |
Hurworth historic cottage, Taranaki |
Hurworth historic cottage, Taranaki |
Hurworth historic cottage, Taranaki |
NZ sand convolvulus |
NZ Streamside Hebe |
Native Bulbinella flowers |
Old cob farm house |
Old cob farm house |
Pine tree cones, male |
Pine tree cones, male |
Marlborough’s River Queen |
Marlborough’s River Queen |
Wairau Lagoons Walk |
Awatere River Mouth, Marlborough |
Grape vines |
Tree Lucerne flowering |
Aerial of farmland, Tapanui, Clutha |
Cattle dogs & horses |
Cattle dogs & horses |
Cattle dogs & horses |
Molesworth Station alpine muster |
Fly fisherman |
White faced Angus cattle calf |
Angus cross cattle cow and calf |
Angus cattle and Angus cross cows |
Trout fisherman |