Native Scree skink lizard |
Native Scree skink lizard |
Pasture grass blowing in the wind |
Silverfish body armour |
Silverfish Lepisma saccharina |
DOC camp, Northland |
DOC campsite, Northland |
Seaside baches, Kaipara |
Tecomanthe speciosa, rare vine |
Mangrove seed capsules on sand |
Honey bee on Pohutukawa flower |
Calves grazing in farmland |
Calves on farmland |
Otari-Wilton Bush Reserve, Wgtn |
Carabid Beetle with parasite |
Lady Norwood Rose Gardens |
Sea Kayaking, Fiordland |
Kepler Track boardwalk, Fiordland |
Tramping,Kepler Track, Fiordland |
Wild thyme plant in bloom |
Wild thyme plant in bloom |
Hunter , dog and red deer carcass |
Flowering Great Bindweed creeper |
Flowering Pennyroyal plant |
Black nightshade flowers |
Smooth Catsear flower |
Scotch Thistle flower |
Yarrow flowers |
Sow thistle, Puha, in flower |
Flowering cape weed plant |
Close up dead gorse plant spines |
Buddleia plant in flower |
Wild broom seed pod and flowers |
Wild broom in flower |
Closeup of foxglove flowers |
Tree privet flowers and leaves |
Flowering tree privet |
Holly-leaved Senecio bushes |
Darwin's barberry flowers & foliage |
Close up of conservation bird bands |
Doc ranger banding Weka |
DOC ranger banding Weka |
Close up, banding of Weka |
Robin bird legs |
European whirligig mite |
Ginkgo leaves |
Ginkgo leaves |
Gorse flowers with water droplets |
Totara tree growing tips |
Moth eggs on Pittosporum fruit |
NZ native green mistletoe |
Dragonfly Nymph Exuviae |
Blurred Toi-toi |
Bird faeces |
Insect parasite on Karo Fruit |
Flax seeds and pods |
Native beaked orchid |
Ground cover sward plant |
Antarctic Lichen |
Megaherb daisy, Pleurophyllum |