Testing cattle heifers for TB |
Testing cattle heifers for TB |
Musterers horses |
Cattle at Tarndale |
Tarndale cob homestead, Molesworth |
Mustering cattle heifers |
Musterers with their horses and dogs |
Musterer with his horse and dogs |
Musterer on horseback |
Molesworth Station cattle mustering |
Molesworth Station cattle mustering |
Musterers with their horses and dogs |
Musterer with his horse and dog |
Molesworth Station |
Horses on Molesworth Station |
Beehives for honey production |
Beehives for honey production |
Beehives for honey production |
Beehives for honey production |
Molesworth Station sign |
Testing cattle in yards |
Red Gate Hut, Molesworth Station |
Mount Chisholm, Molesworth Station |
Mount Chisholm, Molesworth Station |
Mount Chisholm, Molesworth Station |
Mount Chisholm, Molesworth Station |
Titoki Tree, NZ native tree |
Titoki Tree, NZ native tree |
Shore spleenwort |
Flax plant leaves |
Southern Cross constellation |
Canterbury plains |
Young cattle |
Cattle feeding on stream side |
Cattle herd on farmland |
Makara Beach, Wellington |
Makara Beach, Wellington, aerial |
Fire damaged plantation forest |
Opawa River |
MacKenzie farmland irrigation |
Country meets urban, Coromandel |
Dairy calves |
Dairy calves |
Gravel road passing through farmland |
Dairy farming silage, waikato |
Maize crops in field |
Field of corn in sun |
Field of corn in the sun |
Lichen covered farm gate |
Electricity power lines |
Electricity power lines |
Pig hunting dog |
Pig hunting dog seeking scent |
Using tracking device to find dogs |
Tracking pig dogs |
Female hunter with pig dogs |
Setting off pig hunting on farmland |
Walking with pig dogs on hunt |
Setting off for a pig hunt at dawn |
Hunting for wild pigs at dawn |