Ivanhoe Stanley Augarde grave |
Mustering on Molesworth Station |
Stockman on horseback |
Iceberg with sculptured hollows |
Sea kayaker in Abel Tasman |
Kayakers on Onetahuti Beach |
Kayaks on Onetahuti Beach |
Auckland City waterfront |
Auckland City waterfront |
Cattle at Tarndale |
Tarndale Cattleyards |
Testing cattle heifers for TB |
Testing cattle heifers for TB |
Hieracium Hawkweed pasture |
Beehives for honey production |
Beehives for honey production |
Beehives for honey production |
Molesworth Station sign |
Ngapotiki Hut, Cape Palliser |
Titoki Tree, NZ native tree |
Jeep climbing over "Devil's Gate" |
Bushfire at night |
Bushfire at night |
Bush fire at Titahi Bay, Wellington |
Thompson Sound, Fiordland N.P. |
Secretary Island, Southland |
Secretary Island, Southland |
Hopedale, Nunatsiavut, Canada |
Polar bear skins, Nunavut, Canada |
Hopedale in Canada |
Polar bear mother and cub |
Tourists on South Georgia beach |
Electricity power lines |
Porpoising chinstrap penguin group |
Browse line from cattle grazing |
Mutton bird scrub invading rata |
Makara coastal cliffs, Wgtn |
Makara Coastline |
Wandering albatross |
People having fun on beach |
View from sea of Macquarie |
Sandstone waves and shells |
Off road adventure |
Sea kayakers, Titahi Bay |
World War II lookout station |
Sooty shearwater flock |
Dog tucker on the farm |
Dog tucker on the farm |
Sei whale |
Possession Island, Ross Sea, Antarctica |
Glider approaching Manawatu coast |
Vehicle ferry, Hokianga Harbour |
Leopard seal attacking penguin |
Close up, King penguin pair |
Royal Penguins on the shore |
Royal Penguins and King Penguin |
Royal penguin walking on beach |
Gentoo Penguin near King Penguins |
Adelie penguins by granite cliffs |
Adelie penguins trek over rocks |