Micro-cosmos of grass/flowers |
Micro-cosmos of grass/flowers |
Micro-cosmos of grass/flowers |
Micro-cosmos of grass/flowers |
Native Whau flowers |
Lotus plant |
Lotus plant |
Hieracium plant and flowers |
Hieracium plant and flowers |
Hieracium plant and flowers |
Hieracium plant and flowers |
Hieracium plant and flowers |
Hieracium plant and flowers |
Matagouri shrub in flower |
Parapara tree foliage |
Bushfire at night |
Bushfire at night |
Bush fire at Titahi Bay, Wellington |
Blue borage flowers |
Flowering cabbage tree |
Native Beak orchid in flower |
Native odd-leaved orchid |
Dead Asian Paper Wasp |
Asian Paper Wasp on flower |
Asian Paper Wasp on petal |
Seaside baches, Kaipara |
Honey bee on Pohutukawa flower |
Calves grazing in farmland |
Calves on farmland |
Lady Norwood Rose Gardens |
Wild thyme plant in bloom |
Wild thyme plant in bloom |
Flowering Great Bindweed creeper |
Flowering Pennyroyal plant |
Black nightshade flowers |
Smooth Catsear flower |
Scotch Thistle flower |
Yarrow flowers |
Sow thistle, Puha, in flower |
Flowering cape weed plant |
Buddleia plant in flower |
Wild broom seed pod and flowers |
Wild broom in flower |
Closeup of foxglove flowers |
Tree privet flowers and leaves |
Flowering tree privet |
Holly-leaved Senecio bushes |
Darwin's barberry flowers & foliage |
Wild goats |
Wild goats |
Gorse flowers with water droplets |
White heron |
Native beaked orchid |
Megaherb daisy, Pleurophyllum |
Native Clematis |
Lemonwood flowers, native |
Lemonwood tree flowers |
Black nightshade |
Black nightshade |
Sow thistle |