Honey bee on Pohutukawa flower |
Native Pohutukawa foliage, panorama |
Native Pohutukawa foliage |
Closeup of Rangiora flowers |
Native NZ spinach plant |
Native NZ spinach plant |
Native NZ Wharangi tree in bloom |
Native NZ Whau tree in bloom |
Native NZ Whau tree in bloom |
Giant flax weevil eating flax leaf |
Diving Petrel with Ice Plant |
Native NZ snail on flax |
Native NZ snail on flax |
Kowhai flowers in Spring |
Kowhai tree blooming in Spring |
Red clover flower close up |
Summer camping at Port Jackson |
Native NZ Pohutukawa flowers |
Native Rata vine in bloom |
Native flax bush |
Kowhai blooms |
NZ Manuka flower bloom |
NZ manuka flower bloom |
Criss-crossed flax weaving |
NZ native broom flowers |
Orange and gold marigolds |
Orange and yellow marigolds |
Orange marigolds in bloom |
NZ native Sedge flowers |
NZ native Sedge flowers |
Historic plant, Auckland Islands |
Historic plant, Auckland Islands |
NZ native Flax leaves |
Megaherb Stilbocarpa in flower |
Flower buds of Native Rock Daisy |
Seed head of bidi bidi |
Seed head of Bush Lilly |
Flowering Poor Knights Lily |
Flowering native lily |
Poor Knights Lily flower head |
Close up of native lily flower |
Flower of the Strawflower |
Native flax flower stem |
NZ Flax leaf blades |
Orchid flower buds about to open |
Orchid flower buds to open |
Royal spoonbill waders |
Royal spoonbill waders |
Royal spoonbill waders landing |
Rata flowers |
Zig-zag bush |
Zig-zag bush |
Mangroves & Pohutukawa, Hokianga |
Rawene Mangrove Walkway |
Native orchid P. colensoi |
Southern Rata , Enderby Islands |
Southern Rata , Enderby Islands |
Maori Onion (Bulbinella hookeri) |
Flowering Southern Rata forest |
Clyde Quay Marina, Wellington |