Te Apiti Wind farm |
Te Apiti Wind farm |
Te Apiti wind farm |
Te Apiti wind farm panorama |
Winter power supply |
Winter power supply |
Winter power lines |
Horopito Smash Palace |
Horopito Motors |
Lake algae |
Wellington and Suburbs |
Wellington CBD |
Black shags |
Smoking in the outdoors |
Possum damage |
Possum damage |
Cracked earth |
Cracked earth |
Forest road with car |
Forest road with car |
Wood pigeon on power pole |
Wood pigeon on powerpole |
Border Biosecurity |
Border Biosecurity |
Border Biosecurity |
Border Biosecurity |
Traffic jam - Wellington |
New cars for distribution |
New cars |
New cars for distribution |
Power pylons in backcountry |
Power lines in backcountry |
Power lines through the backcountry |
Power lines through backcountry |
Power lines in mist |
Power lines through forest |
Power lines through forest |
Power lines |
Poison signage |
Insect holes in leaf |
Silage bales |
Silage bales |
Anti 1080 protest sign |
Anti-1080 poison graffiti |
Power pylons and houses |
Old car tyres |
Kauri stump, Coromandel |
Old Kauri Stump, Coromandel |
Introduced Heather, pest plant |
Flooded Haast River |
Flooded Haast River |
River in flood |
Lupins |
Lupins |
Cracked earth |
Commercial fishing |
Commercial fishing |
Endangered species trade |
Predator control traps |
Historic trees |