Skua killing and eating rabbit |
Skua killing and eating rabbit |
Coastal rubbish |
Coastal rubbish |
Drainage pipe into sea |
Drainage pipe into sea |
Drain emptying onto beach |
Drainage pipe into the sea |
Drainage pipe emptying onto beach |
Shoreline rubbish |
Shoreline rubbish |
Shoreline rubbish |
Shoreline rubbish |
Vandalised DOC signage |
Poison sign - rabbits |
Sheep and drought |
Sheep and drought |
Dry barren hills |
Beach protection works |
Beach protection works |
Beach protection works |
Beach protection works |
Beach glass |
Asian Paper Wasp on plant |
Asian Paper Wasp on plant |
Sunbather on beach, Northland |
Trounson Kauri Park info kiosk |
Trounson Kauri Park info kiosk |
Trounson Kauri Park info kiosk |
Trounson Kauri Park info kiosk |
Otari bush school trip outing |
Otari bush school trip outing |
Otari-Wilton Bush Reserve, Wgtn |
Otari-Wilton Bush Reserve, Wgtn |
Surf life saviing boat racing |
Surf life saving boat racing |
Cotrolled burning, willow trees |
Tractor spraying in vineyards |
Tractor spraying vineyards, Otago |
Historic aqueduct, Bannockburn |
Historic aqueduct, Bannockburn |
Irrigation machinery on farmland |
Irrigation MacKenzie country farm |
Massive water irrigators |
Irrigation MacKenzie farmland |
Weka in cage trap |
Weka in cage trap |
DOC ranger banding a Weka |
Long Is Scenic Reserve signpost |
Marine Reserve sign on Long Island |
Sunshafts on Long Is, Marlborough |
Little blue penguin sheltering |
Dry rot |
Weka being moved to Blumine Island |
Releasing weka onto Blumine Island |
Removing weka from cage trap |
Ranger setting weka trap |
DOC ranger checks weka cage trap |
Te Apiti wind farm |
Te Apiti wind farm |