Lupins |
Cracked earth |
Commercial fishing |
Commercial fishing |
Endangered species trade |
Predator control traps |
Historic trees |
Tracks in sand |
Tracks in sand |
Tracks in sand |
Tyre tracks in sand |
Possum marks |
Possum bites |
Bird banding |
Bird banding |
Geothermal power |
Geothermal Power |
Geothermal power |
Geothermal power, Taupo |
Windfarm, Wairarapa |
Wind turbines |
Wind turbine, Martinborough |
Wind farm, Wairarapa |
Omarama clay cliffs |
Omarama clay cliffs |
Omarama Clay Cliffs |
The endangered Blue Duck |
Endangered Blue Duck and duckling |
The rare Blue duck family on a log |
Blue duck ducklings and mother |
Rare blue duck and ducklings |
Rare blue duck and duckling on log |
Arthur's Pass N.P. |
Hector's Dolphins, Akaroa Harbour |
Clean pure water dripping into pond |
Clean pure water dripping into pond |
Clean water |
Clean water |
Mangaweka, Rangitikei River |
Mangaweka, Rangitikei River |
Mangaweka, Rangitikei River |
Rangitikei River near Mangaweka |
Campbell Is Perseverance Harbour |
River cascade |
River cascade |
Ice avalanche, Southern Alps |
Possum |
Possum |
Blackhead Point, Dunedin |
Native tree plantings for restoration |
Native tree plantings for restoration |
Manuka seedling |
Native tree plantings for restoration |
Wineberry makomako seedling |
Kowhai tree seedling planted |
Red matipo tree seedling planted |
Karo seedling planted |
Karo seedling planted |
Seven Finger seedling |
Black Matipo seedling |