Weka conservation work |
Horopito Smash Palace |
Wind turbine |
Wind turbine |
Wellington Wind turbine |
Wellington Wind turbine |
Native NZ Yellow Admiral butterfly |
Wild cat pest control |
Wild cat pest control |
NZ Sea lion pup |
NZ Sea lion pup |
Blue duck conservation |
Powerlines in the suburbs |
Penguins, Tasmania |
Penguins, Tasmania |
Gordon High Dam, Tasmania |
Gordon High Dam, Tasmania |
Lake Gordon, Tasmania |
Lake Gordon, Tasmania |
Huntly power station |
Visitors on Tiritiri Matangi Island |
Silvereye bird on branch |
Firewood stack |
NZ Frog |
Poison signs |
Wind turbines, Wairarapa |
Wind turbines |
Lighthouse, Cape Saunders, Otago |
Dead penguin |
Dead penguin on road |
Clyde Dam, Central Otago |
Sign: Dolphin swimming guidelines |
Flock of gannets, White Island |
Native Mealybugs |
North Island Robin closeup |
Open cast coal mine, Waitahu River |
Pod of dusky dolphins |
Wind turbine, Wellington |
Wind turbine |
Tuatara lizard, NZ native |
Tuatara lizard, NZ native |
Tuatara |
Hochstetter's Frog, NZ native |
Insect growth in Hebe |
Carnivorous plant |
Female Stitchbird/Hihi |
Fantail |
Southern skua chick |
Ferret |
Otago skinks basking, NZ endemics |
Tuatara lizard, NZ native |
Tuatara lizard |
Black billed gulls |
Banded Kokopu |
Gull nest |
Flock of flying black backed gull |
Rubbish dump |
Silver eye |
whiteware waste |
Recycling depot |