Lonely electricty pole |
Cruise ship creating pollution |
Pylons in hill country |
Rusting artefact on walking track |
Aerial 1080 operation |
Aerial 1080 operation |
Aerial 1080 operation |
Aerial 1080 operation |
Aerial 1080 operation |
Aerial 1080 operation |
Old Patea freezing works site |
Logging operations |
Logging operations |
Logging operations, wilding pines |
Modern day mobile gold dredging |
Modern day mobile gold dredging |
Pipes running into power station |
Ohakuri Dam, Waikato |
Ohakuri Dam, Waikato |
Machine stripping branches |
Mechanical felling of trees |
Vehicles on Motorway, Porirua City |
Building site |
Housing development |
Close up of native skink |
Research station on Snares Island |
Damage caused by rabbits |
Damage caused by rabbits |
Looking down over dump |
Skua killing and eating rabbit |
Skua killing and eating rabbit |
Coastal rubbish |
Coastal rubbish |
Drainage pipe into sea |
Drainage pipe into sea |
Drain emptying onto beach |
Drainage pipe into the sea |
Drainage pipe emptying onto beach |
Shoreline rubbish |
Shoreline rubbish |
Shoreline rubbish |
Shoreline rubbish |
Vandalised DOC signage |
Pine tree pollen |
Pine tree pollen |
Poison sign - rabbits |
Sheep and drought |
Sheep and drought |
Dry barren hills |
Beach protection works |
Beach protection works |
Beach protection works |
Beach protection works |
Beach glass |
Pine tree foliage |
Pine tree forest |
Asian Paper Wasp on plant |
Asian Paper Wasp on plant |
Sunbather on beach, Northland |
Trounson Kauri Park info kiosk |