Purple sea shell |
Purple sea shell |
Small sea shells with sand |
Spiral shell patterns |
Spiral shell on pebbles |
Curved sea shell on sand |
Spiral shell on sand |
Spiral shell on sand |
Spiral shells on sand |
Curly seashell |
Spiral shells on sand |
Sea shells with pebbles |
Tourist with kayaks on beach |
Cluster of Blue mussels |
Cluster of blue mussels |
Rock pool with blue mussels |
Hermit crab |
Port Waikato coast and rockpools |
Port Waikato coast and rockpools |
Port Waikato coast and rockpools |
Port Waikato coast and rockpools |
Port Waikato coast and rockpools |
Turret seashells on beach |
Irridescent NZ Wheel shell |
Paua shell jewellery & shell |
Purple sea shell |
Purple sea shell |
Native New Zealand sea shell |
Purple sea shells |
Spiral shells on sand |
Mussels clinging to rocks |
Mussels clinging to rocks |
Mussels clinging to rocks |
Mussels clinging to rocks |
Rock pools with mussels |
Mud crab eating mangrove roots |
Limpet |
Barnacles on rock |
Barnacles on rock |
Barnacles on rock |
Barnacles on rock |
Freshwater crayfish |
NZ native freshwater crayfish |
Freshwater crayfish |
NZ freshwater crayfish |
NZ Rock Lobster, Crayfish |
NZ Rock Lobster, Crayfish |
Port Waikato coast and rockpools |
Whalers' Base Bay |
Whalers' Base Bay |
Blue Mussel sheels |
Limpets on rock |
Limpets on rocks |
Pea crab in mussel shell |
Pea crab in mussel shell |
Pea crab in mussel shell |
Pea Crab in Mussel shell |
Pea crab in mussel shell |
Pea crab in mussel shell |
Mud crab eating mangrove roots |