Native kokopu fish in pool |
Koaro, native fish |
Killer whale, Wellington Harbour |
Orca whale, Wellington Harbour |
Killer whales in Wellington |
Kiwi |
Sambar deer |
Possum |
Fur seal and fishing boat |
Possum |
wild possum pest |
Auckland Is. Banded dotterel |
Orongorongo Valley Huts map, Wgtn |
Predator proof fence, conservation |
Rahui and speed sign, Chatham Islands |
Rahui and speed sign, Chatham Islands |
Coastal wetlands, Horowhenua |
Native tree plantings for restoration |
Native tree plantings for restoration |
Native tree plantings for restoration |
Wineberry makomako seedling |
Kowhai tree seedling planted |
Red matipo tree seedling planted |
Karo seedling planted |
Karo seedling planted |
Seven Finger seedling |
Black Matipo seedling |
Seven Finger seedling |
Mokihinui Forest wind damage, Buller |
Mokihinui Forest wind damage, Buller |
Mokihinui River, Buller |
Mokihinui Riv, Seddonville, Buller |
DOC Ranger, Black Stilt management |
DOC Ranger, Black Stilt management |
DOC Ranger, Black Stilt management |
DOC Ranger, Black Stilt management |
Grey duck and hybrid specimens |
Hybrid black robin tomtit specimen |
Hybrid parakeet specimens, Te Papa |
Hybrid parakeet specimens, Te Papa |
Hybrid parakeet specimens, Te Papa |
Hybrid parakeet specimens, Te Papa |
Hybrid parakeet specimens, Te Papa |
Hybrid parakeet specimens, Te Papa |
famland and forest reserve, Greymouth |
famland and forest reserve, Greymouth |
Kakabeak seedling snails threat |
Cattle grazing amongst native forest |
Kakabeak conservation, Hawkes Bay |
Kakabeak conservation, Hawkes Bay |
Kakabeak conservation, Hawkes Bay |
Kakabeak conservation, Hawkes Bay |
Kakabeak conservation, Hawkes Bay |
Kakabeak conservation, Hawkes Bay |
Kakabeak conservation, Hawkes Bay |
Kakabeak conservation, Hawkes Bay |
Stoat killed in trap for conservation |
Stoat killed in trap for conservation |
Possum proof fence, Otago Peninsula |
Biosecurity signage, Waiheke Island |