Aerial 1080 operation |
Aerial 1080 operation |
Aerial 1080 operation |
Dead possum on NZ road |
Looking down canal for dam |
Canal redirecting water |
Machine stripping branches |
Mechanical felling of trees |
Burnt out forest plantation |
Burn't out wetlands |
Fire ravaged wetlands |
Car travelling on motorway |
Vehicles travelling on motorway |
Vehicles on Motorway, Porirua City |
Muttonbird scrub in Rata |
Mutton bird scrub invading rata |
Tourists visiting Auckland Island |
Subantarctic historic weed |
Endangered Teal at Auckland Is |
Sea Lion bull with juvenille seal |
Antarctic iceberg with Petrels |
Damage caused by rabbits |
Damage caused by rabbits |
Damaged landscape |
Tourists visiting Macquarie Is |
Field hut at Macquarie Island |
Historic army barracks |
Historic Army barracks |
Historic Army Barracks |
Fort Ballance remains, Wellington |
Historic gun emplacement |
Historic Mount Crawford emplacement |
Historic gun emplacement |
Historic gun emplacement |
Whitbaiters at Waikanae |
Whitebaiting at Waikanae |
Off road adventure |
Off road adventure |
Looking down over dump |
Skua killing and eating rabbit |
Skua killing and eating rabbit |
Tourists in inflatable boat |
Watching penguins |
Evidence of shellfish poaching |
Empty mussel shells |
Drain emptying onto beach |
Drainage pipe emptying onto beach |
Zig-zag bush |
Zig-zag bush |
Stag and hinds in rutting season |
Fiordland deer in rutting season |
Stag and hind deer, Fiordland |
Wild young Wapiti stag, Fiordland |
Wild young Wapiti bull, Fiordland |
Wild young Wapiti bull, Fiordland |
Wild young Wapiti bull, Fiordland |
wild rabbit on Macquarie Island |
Wild rabbit on Macquarie Island |
Asian Paper Wasp on plant |
Asian Paper Wasp on plant |