Building demolition, Wellington |
Building demolition, Wellington |
Building demolition, Wellington |
Whitebaiting, Westland |
Tararua Wind Farm, Palmerston North |
Tararua Wind Farm, Palmerston North |
Tararua Wind Farm, Palmerston North |
Pauatahanui Inlet, Porirua Harbour |
Pauatahanui Inlet, Porirua Harbour |
Kaikoura m7.8 earthquake fault rupture |
Kaikoura m7.8 earthquake fault rupture |
Earthquake railway damage, Kaikoura m7.8 |
Dry fly trout fishing, Lake Taupo |
Whitebait fish swimming in wetland |
Arctic sea ice lead, Svalbard |
Giant Powelliphanta snail, native |
Giant Powelliphanta snail, native |
Giant Powelliphanta snail, native |
Giant Powelliphanta snail, native |
Giant Powelliphanta snail, native |
Giant Powelliphanta snail, native |
Giant Powelliphanta snail, native |
Giant Powelliphanta snail, native |
Clyde Dam, Central Otago |
Clyde Dam, Central Otago |
Clyde Dam, Central Otago |
Hurunui River underwater |
North Canterbury dairy irrigation |
Horse and farrier |
Farrier Patrick Schimanski |
Sausages cooking on open campfire |
Camping & bbq dinner on open fire |
Camping & bbq dinner on open fire |
Holiday tent camping |
Kaimanawa wild horse stallion |
Camping at night, Wairarapa |
Te Waihou Walkway, Waikato |
Rakaia River, Canterbury Plains |
Makara Beach, Wellington |
Titahi Bay bush fire |
Wellington's West Wind farm turbines |
Titahi Bay bushfire |
Titahi Bay bushfire |
Wellington City & Karori Sanctuary |
New Zealand Fairy Terns |
New Zealand's rarest bird mating |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
Rare New Zealand Fairy Terns |
Rare New Zealand Fairy Tern |
Rare New Zealand Fairy Tern |
NZ Falcon |
New Zealand Falcon |
Native NZ Falcon |
Native NZ Falcon in flight |
Native NZ Falcon |
NZ Native falcon landing |
NZ Falcon coming in to land |
Giant Cook Strait Weta on log |
Endangered McGregor's skink |
Endangered McGregor's skink |