Gum forest, Tasmania |
Gum forest, Tasmania |
Alpine Gentian flowers |
Spider and victim |
Rewarewa tree flowers |
Bee pollinating flax flowers |
Speargrass flower |
Lichen |
Fungus |
Native fungi |
NZ Stag Beetle |
Garden slater |
Common wasp |
Tree fern leaves |
Paua shell |
Native Sundews |
Grass tree flowers |
NZ orchids |
Kauri tree |
Looking up Kauri tree trunk |
Botanical Gardens |
Hebe plant |
Closeup foliage Hebe cupressoides |
Ngaio branch in flower |
Putangirua Pinnacles |
Putangirua Pinnacles rock formation |
Putangirua Pinnacles rock formation |
Putangirua Pinnacles rock formation |
Closeup Rosemary flower and buds |
Rimu foliage |
Liverwort |
Fungi |
Fungi |
Aloe vera leaves |
Daisies |
Lavender |
Bush lawyer vine, NZ native |
Tree bark, Kaikawaka |
Morning Sky |
Sky |
Blue sky |
Alpine daisy |
Native grasses |
Native tussock |
Native Tussock |
Ninety Mile Beach |
Farmland and waterway |
Sunlight on rolling hills, Wairau |
Black swan |
Paua (abalone) shell |
Frozen lake |
Charcoal |
Shell pieces |
Closeup of Takahe bird |
Takahe bird |
DOC worker with Maud Island frog |
Kakapo feathers |
Fern fronds |
Leaf surface |
Leaf surface |
Images 5041 to 5100 of 5278 |