Lancewood, adult and Juv forms |
Lancewood, juvenile leaf form |
Lancewood, juvenile leaf form |
Heketara leaf comparison |
Heketara leaf comparison |
Whau, native trees in forest |
Whau, native trees in forest |
Native NZ Whau tree seeds |
Coprosma repens, Taupata |
Ngaio tree leaves |
Ramarama, NZ myrtle |
Horopito, NZ native pepper tree |
Horopito, NZ native pepper tree |
Kowhai tree seed pods |
Kowhai tree seed pods |
Kowhai tree seed pods |
NZ Kakabeak flowers |
NZ Kakabeak flowers |
View through foliage to sky |
Chatham Island Mahoe in fruit |
Chatham Island Mahoe in fruit |
NZ native Jumping Spider eating fly |
Fish scales and skin, Kingfish |
Fish scales and skin, Kingfish |
NZ Ghost orchid (Corybas cryptanthus) |
NZ Ghost orchid (Corybas cryptanthus) |
NZ Ghost orchid (Corybas cryptanthus) |
NZ Ghost orchid (Corybas cryptanthus) |
NZ Ghost orchid (Corybas cryptanthus) |
NZ Ghost orchid (Corybas cryptanthus) |
NZ Ghost orchid (Corybas cryptanthus) |
Native fungi (Hypholoma brunneum) |
Long-tailed bat tail. NZ native |
Short-tailed bat tail. NZ native |
Short-tailed bat tail. NZ native |
NZ Short-tailed bat |
Five finger flowers |
Five finger flowers |
Five finger flowers |
Five finger flowers |
Hebe leaves texture |
Tutu leaves and buds |
NZ bush lawyer, leafless |
NZ bush lawyer, leafless |
NZ bush lawyer, leafless |
NZ bush lawyer, leafless |
NZ bush lawyer, leafless |
Bleck tree fern fronds unfurling |
Cabbage tree, NZ native |
Cabbage tree, NZ native |
Cabbage tree, NZ native |
Totara tree leaves in rain |
Kauri tree cone and seeds |
Kauri tree cone and seeds |
Water on leaves. NZ Rengarenga lily |
Water on leaves. NZ Rengarenga lily |
Water on leaves. NZ Rengarenga lily |
Water on leaves. NZ Rengarenga lily |
Kowhai tree flowers |
Forest Gecko toes, NZ native |