Blue sky and clouds |
Blue sky and clouds |
Blue sky and clouds |
Blue sky and clouds |
Blue sky and clouds |
Putaputaweta/marbleleaf tree |
Parapara tree foliage |
Hail stones amongst silverbeet |
Ladybird bug in sand grains |
Gecko skin moult |
Snow texture |
Cattle tick waiting in grass |
Blue borage flowers |
Endangered NZ Shore Plover |
Rare NZ Giant Flax Weevil |
Magellanic Penguin, Chile |
Chinstrap penguin |
Flowering cabbage tree |
Ornate Skink, NZ native |
Ornate Skink, NZ native |
Close up of wood chips |
Shark skin texture |
Closeup of Spiny dog fish |
Slimey closeup of shark |
Old Totara timber |
Underside of Octopus |
Tree rings in cut timber |
Natural patterns in Greywacke |
Shackleton's Hut boards |
NZ native Mountain Holly closeup |
NZ native Mountain Holly close up |
New Zealand native false scorpion |
Native Beak orchid in flower |
Native odd-leaved orchid |
Close up, King penguin pair |
King penguin head close up |
Royal Penguin close up |
Royal Penguin in colony |
Dead Asian Paper Wasp |
Asian Paper Wasp on flower |
Asian Paper Wasp on petal |
Scree Skink lizard close up |
Native Scree skink lizard |
Native Scree skink lizard |
Pasture grass blowing in the wind |
Silverfish body armour |
Silverfish Lepisma saccharina |
Seaside baches, Kaipara |
Tecomanthe speciosa, rare vine |
Mangrove seed capsules on sand |
Honey bee on Pohutukawa flower |
Commercial glasshouse |
Calves grazing in farmland |
Calves on farmland |
Historic aqueduct, Bannockburn |
Historic aqueduct, Bannockburn |
Carabid Beetle with parasite |
Lady Norwood Rose Gardens |
Wild thyme plant in bloom |
Wild thyme plant in bloom |