Close up Rata vine flowers |
Fern fronds unfurling |
Chatham Is leaf pattern |
Chatham Is forget-me-not leaf |
Chatham Island Forget-me-not |
Yarrow flowers |
Flowers of hemlock plant |
Cape weed flower |
Oxygen weed underwater |
Oxygen weed underwater |
Buddliea plant in flower |
Buddleia in flower |
Wild broom plant in flower |
Closeup of foxglove flowers |
Flower of the tree lupin |
Closeup of wet leaves of tree lupin |
Close up of Senecio flowers |
Flowering Senecio plant |
Darwin's barberry flowers |
DOC ranger banding a Weka |
Dilapidated WW2 lookout building |
Close up of NZ Orchid in flower |
Close up NZ native orchid flower |
Close up NZ Greenhood orchid |
Tree lucerne in flower |
Tree lucerne in flower |
Coprosma stipules |
Coprosma domatia |
Darwins Barberry weed |
Giant land snail shell close up |
Pampas grass weed |
Pampas grass weed |
Close up Groundsel flowers |
Native Groundsel |
Corn field plantings |
Maize crop rows |
Maize crop seedligns |
Crop rows and seedlings |
Gorse flowers |
Coprosma flowers |
Coprosma flowers |
Maiden hair fern leaves |
Rata flowers |
Fennel flowers |
Fennel |
Fennel and dew |
Fennel flowers and dew |
Pittosporum fruit |
Ivy leaved toadflax weed |
Young grape buds |
Flax flowers |
Aloe vera |
Native orchids |
Native Xmas Orchids |
Native orchids |
Fuchsia flowers |
Grapevine and grapes |
Mint herb leaves |
Native Orchid |
Enderby Island ground cover |