Aerial of Southland |
Aerial of Southland |
Aerial of Southland |
Aerial of Southland |
Muster, Moleworth Station |
Cattle |
Cattle |
Cattle |
Cattle |
Mustering Robinson, Molesworth Stn |
Molesworth Station alpine muster |
White faced Angus cattle calf |
Angus cross cattle cow and calf |
Angus cattle and Angus cross cows |
Wellington Harbour |
Picton wharves |
Cattle grazing winter feed |
Cattle grazing winter feed |
Cattle grazing winter feed |
Cattle grazing winter feed |
Dairy farming, West Coast |
Calf bull being castrated |
Calf bull being castrated |
Te Mata Estate oak wine barrels |
Big River quartz gold mine |
Historic engine shed/Big River mine |
Cattle at Tarndale |
Tarndale Cattleyards |
Cattle in the Tarndale cattleyards |
Testing cattle heifers for TB |
Testing cattle heifers for TB |
Testing cattle heifers for TB |
Cattle tick waiting in grass |
Browse line from cattle grazing |
Shackleton's hut lighting plant |
Dog tucker on the farm |
Dog tucker on the farm |
Beach protection works |
Beach protection works |
Old sealers' gear, Macquarie Is |
Damage buildings Dumont d'Urville |
French Base Dumont d'Urville |
Ship 'Astrolabe' at Antarctic Stn |
Runway site, Dumont d'Urville |
Runway, Dumont d'Urville |
French Base Dumont d'Urville |
Antenna mast, Antarctica |
French Base Dumont d'Urville |
Tourists approach French base |
Moving cows along the road |
Bull on the road |
Commercial glasshouse |
Calves grazing in farmland |
Calves on farmland |
Yacht race, Wellington Harbour |
Historic aqueduct, Bannockburn |
Historic aqueduct, Bannockburn |
Historic aqueduct, Central Otago |
Clifden suspension bridge |
Irrigation MacKenzie country farm |