Cattle Muster, Molesworth Station |
Cattle Muster, Molesworth Station |
Muster, Moleworth Station |
Mustering Lake McRae, Molesworth |
Angus cattle |
Angus cattle |
Cattle |
Mustering Robinson, Molesworth Stn |
Mustering Robinson, Molesworth Stn |
Molesworth Station mustering |
Stockman on horseback |
Cattle Muster, Molesworth Station |
Awatere River Valley |
Cattle amongst tussock |
Angus cattle cow, calf and bull |
Angus cattle and Angus cross cows |
Angus cattle and Angus cross cows |
Angus cattle calf in tussock |
Angus Bull |
Angus Bull |
Aquaculture marine farms |
Pine forestry |
Grytviken in South Georgia |
Auckland wharf |
Dairy farming, West Coast |
Calf ear tagging |
Stockmen working cattle |
Cattle herd in Molesworth |
Cattle herd in Molesworth |
Cattle herd in Molesworth |
Beekeeper collecting honey |
Honey collection, Moleswoth Station |
Beekeepers collecting honey |
Beekeepers collecting honey |
Beekeepers collecting honey |
Guide River with cattle grazing |
Guide River with cattle grazing |
Mustering cattle, Molesworth Station |
Draughting cattle & calf marking |
Te Mata winery cellar, Hawke's Bay |
Te Mata Estate oak wine barrels |
Te Mata Estate oak wine barrels |
Te Mata winery cellar, Hawke's Bay |
Te Mata Estate oak wine barrels |
Big River quartz gold mine |
Big River quartz gold mine ruins |
Big River quartz gold mine ruins |
Big River quartz gold mine ruins |
Poppet Head structure/Big River mine |
Poppet Head structure/Big River mine |
Historic engine shed/Big River mine |
Historic engine shed/Big River mine |
Historic engine shed/Big River mine |
Inside engine shed/Big River mine |
Inside engine shed/Big River mine |
Inside engine shed/Big River mine |
Inside engine shed/Big River mine |
Young cattle at Tarndale |
Young cattle at Tarndale |
Young cattle at Tarndale |