Plantation forestry |
Plantation forestry |
Plantation forestry |
Plantation forestry, narrow focus |
Plantation forestry, selective focus |
Country meets urban, Coromandel |
Country meets urban, Coromandel |
Dairy Cow |
Dairy Cows |
Dairy Cows |
Dairy Cows |
Dairy Cow |
Dairy cattle |
Dairy cattle |
Dairy cattle |
Tui Beer bldg, Wairarapa |
Tui Beer Bldg, Wairarapa |
Tui Beer Bldg, Wairarapa |
Tui Beer Bldg, Wairarapa |
Shearing gang at work in woolshed |
Shearing gang at work in woolshed |
Seal & Porpoise meat, Greenland |
Products of sealing in Greenland |
Sale of Minke Whale in Greenland |
Whaling station, South Georgia |
Dairy farm, Waikato |
Dairy farming, Waikato |
Cattle grazing on pasture |
Dairy farming on West Coast |
Grazing dairy cows |
Grazing dairy cows |
Old steam equipment in bush |
Steam boiler from bush forestry |
Old steam boilers in bush |
Old steam boiler on walking track |
Tourist at Charming Creek |
Cattle grazing on roadside |
Cattle seeking shade from tree |
1080 poison operation loading |
1080 poison possum operation |
Historic gold mining artefact |
Historic quartz stamper, Tarras |
Central Otago historic gold mine |
Central Otago historic gold mine |
Tourist visiits historic mining site |
Central Otago historic gold mine |
Modern day mobile gold dredging |
farming tractor |
Ploughing tractor going uphill |
Ploughing farmland |
Ploughing farmland near forest |
Ploughing farmland |
Ohakuri Dam, Waikato |
View over cleared land for dairy |
Cleared land for Dairy |
Penguin digestors, Macquarie Is. |
Green paddocks with stock |
Dog tucker on the farm |
Pine forest interior |
Nylon weave |