Angus cattle and Angus cross cows |
Angus cattle and Angus cross cows |
Angus cattle calf in tussock |
Cattle at Tarndale |
Cattle at Tarndale |
Cattle at Tarndale |
Young cattle |
Cattle |
Calf |
Calves |
Young calves |
Young calf |
Young calf |
Calf |
Calf |
Dairy calves, Northland |
Dairy calves, Northland |
White faced Angus cattle calf |
Angus cattle and Angus cross cows |
Cattle at Tarndale |
Cattle |
Dairy calves |
Cow and calf |
Young dairy calf |
Calf |
Calf |
Calf |
Calf and cow |
Cow and calf |
Calves |
Calves |
Cow |
Dairy cattle |
Images 61 to 93 of 93 |