Machinery, historic goldfields |
Old machinery, historic goldfields |
Tank foundations, Gold Battery |
Historic goldmine, Coromandel |
Historic goldmine |
Settling tanks, Gold Battery |
Settling tanks at Gold Battery |
Swingbridge over Ohinemuri River |
Surf on rocks, Stewart Island |
Big Kuri Bay, Stewart Island |
Tikotatahi Bay, Stewart Island |
Supplejack fruit |
Earina orchids |
Visitors to White Island crater |
Sulphur encrusted fumeroles |
Close up of Shy Mollymawk |
Shy Mollymawk |
Shell pieces |
Mangrove seedling germinating |
Looking into Whare Waka |
Hole in the Rock, Piercy Island |
Closeup of brown kiwi face |
NZ North Island Brown Kiwi |
Historic defense |
WW2 Gun emplacement,Maud Island |
Cicada shedding |
Wood Pigeon, Kereru |
Takahe |
Takahe bird |
Closeup of Takahe bird |
New Zealand Takahe bird |
Takahe bird |
New Zealand Takahe bird |
DOC worker with Maud Island frog |
Maud Island Frog, NZ native |
Maud Island Frog, NZ native |
Giant weta in defense pose |
Kakapo feet, rare NZ nocturnal parrot |
Kakapo feet, rare NZ nocturnal parrot |
Kakapo bird, rare NZ nocturnal parrot |
Kakapo bird, rare NZ nocturnal parrot |
Kakapo bird |
Kakapo eating Poroporo berries |
Kakapo bird, rare NZ nocturnal parrot |
Kakapo bird |
Kakapo, rare NZ nocturnal parrot |
Kakapo bird, rare NZ nocturnal parrot |
Kakapo bird, rare NZ nocturnal parrot |
Cheeky Weka bird |
N.I. Weka |
N.I. Kaka |
N.I. Robin bird |
Hedgehog rolled up |
Fern fronds |
Leaf surface |
Leaf surface |
Kawakawa leaves |
Clarence Valley, Marlb. |
Matted Ourisia flowers |
Mt Ngauruhoe |