Honey bee on manuka |
Mayfly larvae trapped by glowworm |
Glow worm egg mass hatching |
Newly hatched glow worm fly |
Newly hatched glow worm fly |
Spiders web and dew |
Spiders wed and dew |
Spiders web and dew |
Monarch butterfly |
Monarch butterfly reflection |
Monarch butterfly reflection |
Yellow Admiral butterfly |
Orbweb spider and prey |
Adult Mayfly |
Hover fly on flower |
Honey bee on native Pimelea flower |
Spider and victim |
Puriri Moth |
NZ jumping spider |
Damselflies |
Giant Mountain Dragon Fly |
Bee on cone flower |
Native Harvestman! |
Native Weta |
Tree weta |
NZ native Jumping Spider eating fly |
Native NZ wood termites |
Native Millipede hibernating, mites |
Planarian worm repelling ants |
Native ants attacking beetle |
Bees swarming on STOP sign |
Bees swarming on STOP sign |
NZ Marbleleaf flowers |
Wild beehive |
Wild beehive |
Beekeepers seperating honey frames |
Ichneumon wasp & crab spider |
Ichneumon wasp & crab spider |
Ichneumon wasp & crab spider |
Ichneumon parasitic wasp |
Ichneumon parasitic wasp |
Crab Spider |
Crab Spider |
Crab Spider hunting another spider |
Native NZ Red Admiral butterfly |
Honey Bees working in honeycomb |
Honey Bees working in honeycomb |
Honey Bees working in honeycomb |
Honey Bees working in honeycomb |
Honey Bees |
Honey bee pupae |
Honey Bees working on honeycomb |
Honey Bees working on honeycomb |
Honey Bees working on honeycomb |
Wheel weaver spider |
Wheel weaver spider |
Aphid pest insect |
Harvestman on Blue Borage |
Bee on Blue Borage |
Honey bee on blue borage flowers |