Green hood native orchid |
Greenhood orchids |
Alpine Gentian flowers and foliage |
S.I. Edelweiss |
Cushion plant flowering |
NZ Bluebells |
South Island Edelweiss |
Black fronted tern |
Mistletoe blooms |
Eyebright flowers |
Native Matt Daisy |
Kanuka flowering |
Kanuka |
Pohutukawa flowering |
Mountain daisy, native |
Native alpine groundsel |
Alpine Broad leaved carrot |
Native orchid |
Sea lion - Otago |
New Zealand Sea lion |
NZ (Hooker's) Sea lion |
New Zealand Sealion |
Sheep ewe and lamb |
NZ Fur seal |
NZ Fur seal |
New lamb |
Spring lamb |
Spring lambs |
Spring lamb |
Catfish, introduced pest fish |
Mosquito fish, introduced pest species |
Whale skin |
Dead Grey's Beaked whale |
Beaked Whale |
Female Stitchbird/Hihi |
Mallard drake |
Sparrow in flax |
Tuatara lizard, NZ native |
Black-browed mollymawk flock |
Pleurophyllum speciosum plant |
Native Gentiana concinna in bloom |
Stilbocarpa polaris flowers |
Camera on albatross, Campbell Is |
Cameras on albatross, Campbell Is |
Southern Royal albatross pair |
Southern Royal albatross |
Snares crested penguins |
Young Southern elephant seal pups |
Anisotome antipoda in bloom |
Auckland Is. Tomtit |
Auckland Is. banded dotterel |
Foxglove |
Foxglove |
Begonia House, Wellington |
Wellington Botanical Gardens |
Oriental Bay, Wellington |
Tourist with Sea Lion, Enderby Is |
Auckland Is banded dotterel |
Yellow eyed penguin |
Jewelled Gecko, NZ native lizard |