Scree Skink lizard close up |
Native Scree skink lizard |
Native Scree skink lizard |
Wgtn Zoo public display |
Pasture grass blowing in the wind |
Silverfish body armour |
Silverfish Lepisma saccharina |
Dolphin Opo's gravestone |
Tecomanthe speciosa, rare vine |
Mangrove seed capsules on sand |
Honey bee on Pohutukawa flower |
Moving cows along the road |
Bull on the road |
Carabid Beetle with parasite |
Chaffinch on log |
Wild thyme plant in bloom |
Hare in grassy paddock |
Hunter with dog and deer carcass |
Hunter , dog and red deer carcass |
Black nightshade flowers |
Smooth Catsear flower |
Scotch Thistle flower |
Close up dead gorse plant spines |
Wild broom in flower |
Closeup of foxglove flowers |
Tree privet flowers and leaves |
Darwin's barberry flowers & foliage |
Close up of conservation bird bands |
Doc ranger banding Weka |
DOC ranger banding Weka |
Close up, banding of Weka |
Little Blue Penguin Eudyptula minor |
Rabbit faeces on grass |
Rabbit faeces on grass |
Robin bird legs |
Saddleback bird |
South Island Saddleback |
Releasing weka from cage trap |
Releasing weka from cage trap |
Weka in a cage trap |
Weka conservation work |
European whirligig mite |
Wild goats |
Wild goats |
Deer hunter and dog |
Ginkgo leaves |
Ginkgo leaves |
Gorse flowers with water droplets |
Monarch butterfly |
New Zealand stick insect |
False Katipo spider |
Moth eggs on Pittosporum fruit |
White heron |
Native NZ Yellow Admiral butterfly |
Bottlenose dolphins, Fiordland |
Patea Explorer in Doubtful Sound |
Dolphins with boat, Doubtful Sound Fiordland |
Dragonfly Nymph Exuviae |
Bird faeces |
Insect parasite on Karo Fruit |