Fur seal on the rocks, Kaikoura |
Possum |
Possum |
Possum |
NZ possum |
Blue Duck night feeding in water |
Kea bird |
Elephant seal |
Pukeko bird |
Gannet birds |
Anaesthetising Sea Lion, research |
Enderby Island, albatross flying |
Enderby Island, Auckland Islands |
NZ Sea lion colony |
NZ Sea lion |
NZ Sea lion colony |
Wild pig, Sub antartic Auckland Islands |
Parakeet, Sub-antarctic Enderby Is |
NZ Sea lions - female |
Auckland Is. Shag |
NZ Sea lion |
Sooty shearwaters massing - The Snares |
Native Blue Duck |
Stewart Island Brown Kiwi |
Tahr hunter, Westland NP |
Possum skull |
Wapiti cast antler |
Tui bird feeding in NZ flax flowers |
Spotted Shag, NZ endemic |
Elephant seal weaner, Catlins |
Wild rabbit alert on Gorse bush |
Pekin and mallard ducks |
Common Pigeon |
Black fronted tern |
Black fronted tern |
Banded dotterel |
Banded dotterels |
NZ Wrybill bird |
NZ Wrybill bird |
NZ Wrybill bird |
Long-tailed bat radio transmitter attachment |
Spotted Shag, NZ endemic |
Spotted Shag, NZ endemic |
Emperor Penguins, Antarctica |
Emperor Penguins, Antarctica |
Emperor Penguins, Antarctica |
Emperor Penguins, Antarctica |
South American Sea Lions |
South American Sea Lions |
South American Sea Lions |
South American Sea Lions |
South American Sea Lions |
South American Sea Lions |
South American Sea Lions |
NZ Wood Pigeon, Kereru |
NZ Wood Pigeon, Kereru |
NZ Wood Pigeon, Kereru |
Little Shag |
Little Shag |
Merino sheep rams |