Royal Spoonbills on the wing |
Royal Spoonbills landing |
Snares Islands nature reserve |
Antarctic Petrels |
Antarctic petrel |
Little shag |
Native shag |
Native shag |
Rare endemic Whio Blue ducks |
Kea (Nestor notabilis) preening |
Tourist filming King Penguins |
Penguins jumping from ice to sea |
Penguins on ice, ship beyond |
Wandering albatross over ocean |
Adelie penguins in a blizzard |
Adelie penguin in snow storm |
Adelie penguin in snow storm |
Snares crested penguins on rock |
Snares crested penguins on rocks |
Close up Snares crested penguin |
Snares crested penguins on rock |
King Penguins in breeding colony |
King Penguin adults and young |
King Penguin adults and young |
King Penguins on the beach |
Southern Royal Albatross |
King penguin calling, flippers up |
Royal Penguins fighting |
Royal Penguins fighting |
Royal Penguins on rocky coast |
Royal Penguins mutual grooming |
Royal Penguins clean each other |
Royal Penguin walking on beach |
Royal & King Penguins on beach |
Rock Hopper penguin close-up |
Three penguins on a blue iceberg |
Penguins jump from iceberg to sea |
South Polar Skua descent |
Two South Polar Skuas |
Chinstrap penguin, Antarctica |
Chinstrap penguin, Antarctica |
Adelie penguins approach camera |
Adelie penguin chick, all alone |
Adelie penguin cleaning flipper |
Silver Eye bird feeding its chick |
Native tui on flax plant |
Native Tui eating flax flowers |
Fiordland crested penguin viewing |
Fiordland crested penguin viewing |
Close up NZ Bird Kakariki on branch |
S.I. Robin |
S.I. Robin |
S.I. Bush Robin |
S.I. Robin |
S.I. Bush Robin |
Saddleback bird |
Saddleback feeding |
Saddleback bird |
Saddleback bird |
Releasing weka from cage trap |