Tourist watching penguin colony |
Tourist viewing Penguin Colony |
Tourists on Deception Island |
Antarctic Tourists watching penguins |
Tourist visiting penguin colony |
Tourist watching penguins |
Gentoo Penguins in Antarctic |
Tourists on Zodiac watching wildlife |
Tourists visiting Aitcho Islands |
Tourists viewing wildlife |
Unlikely pair |
Unlikely pair of penguins |
Wood Pigeon preening in winter |
Wood pigeon perched during winter |
Antarctic Tern in flight |
Tern making landing on snow |
Antarctic Tern landing on snow |
Adult Antarctic Tern on ice |
Antarctic Adult Tern Bird |
Tui perched on native tree |
Colourful feathers of Tui in tree |
Fluffy Tui bird sitting in tree |
Kereru in flowering tree |
Kereru in winter flowering tree |
Harrier hawk in flight |
Cheeky Kea |
King penguin colony |
Crowded King Penguin Colony |
King Penguins nesting |
Whose egg is that? |
Wood Pigeon, NZ native |
King Penguin chick moulting |
Southern Royal Albatross |
Flying on the beach |
Young Gentoo Penguins on beach |
Adult Gentoo Penguin with chicks |
Adult penguin feeding chick |
Gentoo Penguin juvenile |
Wandering Albatross |
Antarctic Petrel |
Black-browed mollymawk |
White-capped mollymawk |
Wilsons Storm Petrel |
Wilson's Storm Petrel |
Light mantled Sooty Albatross |
Skua on rock |
Antarctic Skua |
Birth of New Zealand Sea Lion |
Terns taking off from beach |
White fronted terns |
Snow petrel |
Nesting Snow Petrel, Antarctica |
Nesting Snow petrel, Antarctica |
Southern Fulmar, Antarctica |
Parakeet, Enderby Is., possible hybrid |
Brightly coloured Kakariki |
King peguins with sleeping seals |
Macqurie Island landscape |
Native tui feeding in Kakabeak |
Skua killing and eating rabbit |