NZ Hard Beech leaves |
Red Beech leaves on forest floor |
Red Beech leaves on forest floor |
Forest floor litter and detritus |
Micro-cosmos of grass/flowers |
Micro-cosmos of grass/flowers |
NZ meadow plants, micro cosmos |
Micro-cosmos of grass/flowers |
Micro-cosmos of grass/flowers |
Micro-cosmos of grass/flowers |
Micro-cosmos of grass/flowers |
Native Whau flowers |
Smelt fish and whitebait |
Red billed gull |
Red billed gull |
Red billed gull |
Lotus plant |
Lotus plant |
Hieracium plant and flowers |
Hieracium plant and flowers |
Hieracium plant and flowers |
Hieracium plant and flowers |
Hieracium plant and flowers |
Hieracium plant and flowers |
Matagouri shrub in flower |
Putaputaweta/marbleleaf tree |
Parapara tree foliage |
Hail stones amongst silverbeet |
Royal Penguin |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy terns |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
New Zealand Fairy Terns |
Endangered NZ Shore Plover |
Possibly new species of Giant Weta |
Possibly new species of Giant Weta |
Arctic Northern Fulmar in flight |
Rare NZ Giant Flax Weevil |
Endangered Cook Strait Giant Weta |
Magellanic Penguin, Chile |
Porpoising chinstrap penguin group |
Chinstrap penguin |
Crabeater seal on pack ice |
Crested Grebe pair on lake |
Flowering cabbage tree |
Young skink on hairy finger |
Ornate Skink, NZ native |
Ornate Skink, NZ native |
Ornate Skink on rock |
Slose up of Ornate Skink |
Royal Penguins, Macquarie Is. |
Northern Giant Petrel |
Gentoo Penguin juvenile |
Gentoo Penguin chick |
Wandering albatross |