Aging Antarctic Fur Seal |
Antarctic Fur Seal on beach |
Adelie penguin group on iceberg |
Adelie penguins on iceberg |
Small Chinstrap Penguin on nest |
Chinstrap Penguin nesting |
Tourist ship visiting Antarctic |
Antarctic Tern perched on rock |
Antarctic Tern perched on rock |
Pair of Antarctic Terns on snow |
Pair of Antarctic Terns on snow |
Antarctic Tern perched on rock |
Breeding Antarctic Tern |
Pair of adult Antarctic Tern on rock |
Seabirds flying above ocean |
Seabirds flying over stormy ocean |
Seabirds flying over stormy ocean |
Seabirds flying over stormy ocean |
King Penguins on beach |
Crowded King Penguin Colony |
Crowded King Penguin Colony |
Crowd of King Penguins |
King Penguin breeding colony |
King Penguin colony, lost egg |
King Penguin colony, lost egg |
Curious King Penguin with egg |
Not my egg |
Investigating abandoned egg |
Elephant seals, Macquarie Is. |
King Penguin chick moulting |
King Penguin chick moulting |
King Penguin chick moulting |
King Penguins mating |
Southern Giant Petrel |
Southern Giant Petrel |
Gentoo Penguin chicks sleeping |
Gentoo Penguin chick sleeping |
Sleeping Gentoo Penguin on beach |
Gentoo Penguin |
Gentoo Penguin and chick |
Gentoo Penguins |
Gentoo Penguin juveniles |
Gentoo Penguin juveniles |
Gentoo Penguin creche |
Gentoo Penguin creche |
Gentoo Penguin creche |
Wandering Albatross |
Wandering Albatross |
Cape Petrel |
Cape Petrel taking off |
Antarctic Petrel |
White-capped mollymawk |
White-capped mollymawk |
White-capped mollymawk |
Wilsons Storm Petrel |
Macquarie Shag |
Light mantled Sooty Albatross |
Auckland Is. Shags |
Antarctic Skua |
Antarctic Skua |