Big jawed spider |
New primary feathers, Whio |
Blue duck feather moult |
Blue duck research |
Blue duck bill |
Blue duck bill |
Caddis larvae & Blue Duck Scat |
Black swan head |
Kaka parrot plumage |
Kea feather texture |
Kea feather texture |
Fairy prion bill |
Yellow crowned Parakeet |
Native Huhu beetle |
NZ Jumping spider and victim |
Native Damselfly |
Native bee on Pohutukawa |
Native bee and Pohutukawa |
Giant ground beetle |
Stag beetle |
NZ Pill millipede |
Pill millipede |
Native frog |
Maud Island Frog, endangered |
Kaka parrot on woman's head |
Native frog |
Hochstetter's Frog |
Tuatara lizard on a log |
Cicada head |
Large adult tuatara |
Redfin bully |
Native White faced heron |
Northern grass skink close up |
Sea lion with shark bite scars |
Bat tick on native NZ Long-tailed bat |
Bat tick on native NZ Long-tailed bat |
Bat Mite on native NZ Long-tailed bat |
Bat Mite on native NZ Long-tailed bat |
Forest Gecko toes, NZ native |
Forest Gecko toes, NZ native |
Forest Gecko toes, NZ native |
Forest Gecko toes, NZ native |
Male Forest Gecko spurs, NZ native |
NZ gecko tail, prehensile |
NZ gecko tail, prehensile |
Wood Pigeon feeding in a Kowhai tree |
Speargrass weevil, Alpine, Haast |
Speargrass weevil, Alpine, Haast |
Starred or Nelson green gecko head |
Starred or Nelson green gecko head |
Barking Gecko foot close up |
Native Rough Gecko |
Ichneumon parasitic wasp |
Ichneumon parasitic wasp |
Native NZ Red Admiral butterfly |
Kea bird |
NZ Gecko night hunting |
NZ Gecko night hunting |
Endangered NZ Shore Plover |
Endangered NZ Shore Plover |