Longfin eel |
Northern grass skink, NZ native |
Northern grass skink, NZ native |
Northern grass skink, NZ native |
N.I. Weka |
Weka, tagged & ready to move |
Whale autopsy |
New Zealand Scaup female |
Pukeko killing duckling |
Female Paradise duck |
Male Paradise duck |
Red crowned parakeet |
Paradise duck female |
Wood pigeon |
Male whitehead on branch |
Pied stilts, Pauatahanui Inlet |
Common gecko, NZ native |
Common gecko, NZ native |
Common gecko basking, NZ native |
Common gecko, NZ native |
Common Gecko on rock |
Common gecko, NZ native |
Pied Shag |
Pied shag |
Pied Stilt |
Oystercatcher bird |
Humpback whale |
Underside, humpback whale |
Gannet colony, Muriwai Beach |
Yellow-eyed penguin close up |
NZ Sea lions |
Sea lions' fight, Enderby Island |
Shark bite scar on sea lion |
NZ Sea lion |
New Zealand Sea lion |
Sick bird |
Tuatara lizard, NZ native |
Dusky dolphin roundel |
Wood Pigeon, native bird |
Cuvier's beaked whale |
Native Paradise Shelducks and young |
Native Paradise Shelducks and young |
Native Paradise Shelducks |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
Caught weka being bagged |
Weka conservation work |
Native NZ Yellow Admiral butterfly |
NZ Sea lion pup |
NZ Sea lion pup |
Silvereye bird on branch |
NZ Frog |
Dead penguin on road |
Native Mealybugs |
Pod of dusky dolphins |
Tuatara lizard, NZ native |
Tuatara lizard, NZ native |
Tuatara |
Hochstetter's Frog, NZ native |
Carnivorous plant |
Female Stitchbird/Hihi |