Little auk, Svalbard |
Native Paradise Shelducks and young |
Native Paradise Shelducks and young |
Native Paradise Shelducks |
Wild fallow deer |
Sika Deer fleeing |
Sika Deer fleeing |
Wild Chamois |
Kaimanawa wild horse |
Gannet bird soaring on waves |
Canada Goose hunting |
Waitetoko Church |
South Georgia Reindeer and penguins |
New Zealand Fairy Tern |
Wilson's Storm Petrel |
DOC Ranger bandiing a Weka |
Native bellbird on branch |
Caught weka being bagged |
Weka conservation work |
Wild cat pest control |
Wild cat pest control |
Wild cat caught in cage trap |
Rat caught in a trap with cheese |
Hen and chicks |
Penguins, Tasmania |
Penguins, Tasmania |
Rainbow lorikeet |
Red necked wallaby |
Red necked wallaby |
Farmland and sheep |
Farmland |
Auckland City |
Silvereye bird on branch |
Ant nest |
Dead penguin |
Dead penguin on road |
Ducks |
Yellowhammer |
Merino ram with distinctive horns |
Flock of gannets, White Island |
North Island Robin closeup |
Male sparrow on concrete path |
Common pigeon |
Green frog |
Cat eating bird |
Canada geese |
Greenfinch |
Wairarapa farm scene |
Female Stitchbird/Hihi |
Dead bird on car grill |
Fantail |
Dead mallard ducks |
Southern skua chick |
Ferret |
Female ferret held by handler |
Black billed gulls |
Wasp |
Wasp nest |
Gull nest |
Flock of flying black backed gull |