Te Anau town centre |
Ships staff in Antarctica |
Polar bear skins, Hopedale, Canada |
Visitors to Zealandia, Karori |
Family at Zealandia, Karori |
Returning to camp with trophy |
Returning to camp with trophy head |
Hunter walking with trophy head |
Walking back to camp with trophy |
Hunter carrying trophy home at night |
Barren landscape of Jan Mayen Island |
Tourists visiting Jan Mayen Island |
Catching the waves, Whiritoa Beach |
Rob Suisted and NZ falcon |
Young photographer with Cave Weta |
Taking photo of Cook Strait Weta |
Endangered Cook Strait Giant Weta |
Tourists visiting church, Chile |
Elephant seals, South Georgia |
Visiting penguin colony, Sth Georgia |
Tourist photographing penguins |
Antarctica tourists in zodiac |
Antarctic tourists in zodiac |
Volunteer plants trees, Mana Island |
Volunteers planting out seedlings |
Volunteers planting out seedlings |
Volunteers planting out seedlings |
Penguins, Antarctic Peninsula |
Looking at icebergs, Antarctica |
Tourists in zodiac, Antarctica |
Shackleton's graveside South Georgia |
Swimming between the flags |
Hunter looking over river valley |
Hunter looking over river valley |
Looking over river valley, Fiordland |
Remote campsite, Fiordland |
Fiordland lunch stop, hunting |
Campers at Fantail Bay |
Campers at Fletcher Bay Camp |
Camping at Fantail Bay |
Camping at Fantail Bay |
Camping at Fantail Bay |
Camping at Fantail Bay |
Camping at Fantail Bay |
Hunter looking out over Glaisnock |
Bugling to rutting deer |
Bugling to rutting deer in hills |
Bulging to rutting deer in valley |
Lone hunter bugling to rutting deer |
Hunter looking across valley |
Hunter using binoculars to spot deer |
Hunter using binoculars to find deer |
Hunter search for deer over valley |
Hunting travelling in snow storm |
Picking grapes at harvest time |
Working in vineyard at harvest time |
Working at vineyard at harvest time |
Harvesting grapes from the vines |
Campers at Onetahuti Bay |
DOC campsite at Onetahuti Bay |