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    Your Lightbox selection contains 42 photos

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 NZ Pimelea flowers - ID#: (49882)

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 Taraire Tree leaves close up - ID#: (32991)

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 Snow covered mountain highway - ID#: (37569)

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 Kowhai flowers - ID#: (49423)

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 Kawakawa fruit, native shrub - ID#: (47978)

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 NZ Ghost orchid (Corybas cryptanthus) - ID#: (61209)

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 Rewarewa tree flowers, NZ native - ID#: (53609)

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 Motorway Commuter traffic - ID#: (61669)

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 Putaputaweta/marbleleaf tree - ID#: (42082)

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 Mount Taranaki - ID#: (29681)

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 Poroporo flower - ID#: (25731)

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 Mt Cook, Sefton and Vampire. - ID#: (27352)

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 Lake Matheson, South Westland - ID#: (40830)

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 Kaiwharawhara, Wellington - ID#: (62523)

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 Royal Spoonbills landing - ID#: (34641)

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 Mount Tongariro dawn - ID#: (26500)

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 Pied Stilt - ID#: (17224)

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 Mt Taranaki / Egmont - ID#: (12146)

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 Hot air balloon and flame - ID#: (10533)

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 Blooms of the native Rata Vine - ID#: (37816)

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 Lake Benmore twilight, Mackenzie - ID#: (63543)

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 Rengarenga lily - ID#: (23435)

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 Franz Josef Town - ID#: (11463)

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 Porirua City twilight - ID#: (52201)

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 Burt Munro Challenge riders on ferry - ID#: (60619)

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 Oriental Bay, Mt Vic, Wellington Harbour - ID#: (57952)

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 Lake Benmore, Omarama - ID#: (63683)

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 Rewarewa tree flowers, NZ native - ID#: (53608)

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 Brown Teal, Pateke - ID#: (39546)

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 Oreti Beach, Southland - ID#: (49149)

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 NZ Ghost orchid (Corybas cryptanthus) - ID#: (61210)

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 Mt Ngauruhoe, Central Plateau - ID#: (47414)

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 Lake Rotokura, Karioi, Ohakune - ID#: (54008)

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 Flowering cabbage tree - ID#: (35885)

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 Capt. Cook Monument, Ship Cove, Marlborough - ID#: (58266)

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 Mt Tongariro Crossing - ID#: (26501)

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 Mountain Tarn, Lewis Pass - ID#: (14456)

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 Five finger flowers - ID#: (55450)

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 Kaikoura Coast - ID#: (16153)

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 Native Kowhai flowers in Springtime - ID#: (63610)

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 Five finger flowers - ID#: (55449)

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 Motorway Commuter traffic - ID#: (61667)

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