Lightbox selection contains 26 photos
Gnarled roots of a Mahoe tree -
ID#: (31209)
Banks Peninsula Coast -
ID#: (18301)
Wandering albatross -
ID#: (35599)
Tui in Kowhai tree -
ID#: (37828)
Waikato farmland, wetland and forest -
ID#: (61600)
Totara tree seedling -
ID#: (52258)
Mackenzie Basin irrigation -
ID#: (59079)
Pohaturoa Pk, Atiamuri, Waikato -
ID#: (58658)
Native orchid -
ID#: (11109)
Closeup of flax leaves -
ID#: (34836)
kauri tree trunk -
ID#: (25599)
Alpine cushion plant -
ID#: (47582)
East Cape lighthouse at night -
ID#: (39285)
NZ flax weaving, harakeke -
ID#: (56581)
Waimana, Te Urewera -
ID#: (30771)
NZ Wood Pigeon, Kereru -
ID#: (51288)
Old Totara timber -
ID#: (35197)
Shells and pebbles -
ID#: (38722)
NZ Hard Beech seedling -
ID#: (43717)
NZ flax weaving, harakeke -
ID#: (56584)
Mustering, Lake McRae, Molesworth -
ID#: (46227)
Omarama high country twilight -
ID#: (58986)
Five Finger tree leaves -
ID#: (64566)
Common Scabweed, Raoulia hookeri -
ID#: (48388)
Grey Headed Mollymawk -
ID#: (35573)
NZ flax weaving, harakeke -
ID#: (56578)
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