Lightbox selection contains 17 photos
Cattle in the Tarndale cattleyards -
ID#: (42500)
Cook's Cove, Tolaga Bay, East Coast -
ID#: (59571)
Karori Rock lighthouse, Cook Strait -
ID#: (53589)
Wellington South Coast -
ID#: (31020)
Motuara Is., Marlborough Sounds -
ID#: (58440)
Paekakariki Escarpment Track -
ID#: (54921)
Tongariro National Park -
ID#: (46751)
Uawa River, Tolaga Bay -
ID#: (63030)
Hilly farmland, Wellington -
ID#: (52836)
Island Lake at Tarndale -
ID#: (45908)
Doubtful Sd, Fiordland -
ID#: (30091)
Wanagnui River Heads, South Westland -
ID#: (58098)
Fiordland -
ID#: (21977)
Mussel farming, Marlborough -
ID#: (27713)
North Fiord of Lake Te Anau -
ID#: (42020)
Wright's Hill gun emplacement -
ID#: (34758)
Whakatane -
ID#: (21141)
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