Cambodian community houses in South Auckland, with Buddhist flags above shoes left at the threshold of their Buddhist temple, during ceremony, Manurewa, Auckland, Auckland Region, New Zealand (NZ) stock photo.

Cambodian community houses in South Auckland, with Buddhist flags above shoes left at the threshold of their Buddhist temple, during ceremony, Manurewa, Auckland, Auckland Region, New Zealand (NZ), stock photo.

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Manurewa, Auckland (other locations)
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Rob Suisted
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Cambodian community houses in South Auckland, with Buddhist flags above shoes left at the threshold of their Buddhist temple, during ceremony, Manurewa, Auckland, Auckland Region, New Zealand (NZ)

Cambodian community houses in South Auckland, with Buddhist flags above shoes left at the threshold of their Buddhist temple, during ceremony, Manurewa, Auckland, Auckland Region, New Zealand (NZ) Stock Photo

Manurewa, Auckland, Auckland Region, New Zealand (NZ) Rob Suisted

Cambodian community houses in South Auckland, with Buddhist flags above shoes left at the threshold of their Buddhist temple, during ceremony, Manurewa, Auckland, Auckland Region, New Zealand (NZ)