Toothed Lancewood trees (Pseudopanax ferox) which have a distinctive growth form believed to limit browsing impacts, New Zealand (NZ) stock photo.

Toothed Lancewood trees (Pseudopanax ferox) which have a distinctive growth form believed to limit browsing impacts, New Zealand (NZ), stock photo.

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New Zealand (NZ)
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Rob Suisted
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Toothed Lancewood trees (Pseudopanax ferox) which have a distinctive growth form believed to limit browsing impacts, New Zealand (NZ)

Toothed Lancewood trees (Pseudopanax ferox) which have a distinctive growth form believed to limit browsing impacts, New Zealand (NZ) Stock Photo

, New Zealand (NZ) Rob Suisted

Toothed Lancewood trees (Pseudopanax ferox) which have a distinctive growth form believed to limit browsing impacts, New Zealand (NZ)