Inside Shackleton's hut, Antarctica |
Pancake Ice, Antarctica |
Buller's Mollymawk collision |
Northern Bullers Mollymawks |
NZ micro snail out at night |
Wrecked whaling ship, South Georgia |
Freight Train crossing viaduct |
Steam train crossing viaduct |
Walking on rock pools south coast |
Wellington South Coast panorama |
Shackleton's hut and Erebus |
Adele penguins diving from ice to sea |
Inside Scott's hut, Antarctica |
Inexpressible Is., Antarctica |
Inexpressible Is, Antarctica |
Ship, Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica |
Ship, Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica |
Ship, Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica |
Franklin Is., Antarctica |
Franklin Is., Antarctica |
Pancake Ice, Antarctica |
Pancake Ice, Antarctica |
Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica |
Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica |
Emperor Penguin juvenile |
Adelie Penguin colony |
Adelie Penguin colony and Skua |
Adelie Penguin on beach |
Cook Strait waves |
Sub Antarctic flowers |
Albatross pair, Campbell Island |
Royal Albatross |
Royal Albatross |
Southern Royal Albatross |
Stewart Island |
Royal Albatross |
Auckland Islands, NZ Sub Antarctic |
Royal Albatross |
Cavilli Islands from Matauri Bay |
Bounty Islands, remote NZ islands |
Bounty Islands, remote NZ islands |
Bounty Islands, NZ remote islands |
Bounty Islands, NZ remote islands |
Bounty Islands, NZ remote islands |
Dusky Sound dawn, Fiordland |
Dusky Sound dawn, Fiordland |
The Forty-Fours Islands, Chathams |
The Horns, Southern Chatham Islands |
Northern Bullers Mollymawks |
Magazine Bay, Maraetai, Auckland |
Waimea Inlet, Tasman Bay, Nelson |
Waimea Inlet, Tasman Bay, Nelson |
Waimea Inlet, Tasman Bay, Nelson |
Dusky Sound dawn, Fiordland |
Marsden Cross, Kerikeri |
Cook Strait and ferry, panorama |
Striking sky over Cook Strait |
Native NZ snail on flax |
NZ micro snail out at night |
Native NZ snail on flax |