Volunteers planting out seedlings |
Train crossing viaduct, Ohakune |
Train crossing viaduct, Ohakune |
Hapuawhenua Viaduct |
Hapuawhenua Viaduct |
Hapuawhenua Viaduct |
Looking along track on rail viaduct |
Makara Coast, Wgtn |
Mana and Kapiti Islands, Wgtn |
Makara Beach, Wgtn |
Mana Island |
Coastal walk, Plimmerton |
Pukerua bay rockpools |
Pukerua Bay coast |
Pukerua Bay coast |
Pukerua Bay coast |
Makara fishing, Wgtn |
Makara fishing, Wgtn |
Makara coast, Wgtn. |
Makara walk, Wgtn |
Makara walk, Wgtn |
Fisher and Mana Island |
Rock pools north of Mana Island |
Sunset over Mana Island |
Mana Is and Plimmerton |
Kapiti Island and Kapimana coast |
Predator proof fence, conservation |
Hybrid black robin tomtit specimen |
Mana Island and Cook Strait |
Mana Island and Cook Strait |
North Is Main Trunk Line, Ohakune |
North Is Main Trunk Line, Ohakune |
North Is Main Trunk Line, Ohakune |
North Is Main Trunk Line, Ohakune |
North Is Main Trunk Line, Ohakune |
Cook Strait coastal water mixing, Wgtn |
Cook Strait coastal water mixing, Wgtn |
Makohine Viaduct, Rangitikei |
Makohine Viaduct, Rangitikei |
Makohine Viaduct, Rangitikei |
Cape Koamaru, Arapawa Is., Marlb Sds |
Raurimu railway spiral, Central North is. |
Raurimu railway spiral, Central North is. |
Raurimu railway spiral, Central North is. |
Smiths Bay, Makara beach, Welington |
Smiths Bay, Makara beach, Welington |
Makara beach coast north, Welington |
Makara beach coast north, Welington |
Makara beach coast north, Welington |
Mana Island evening, Plimmerton |
P-class sailing regatta, Plimmerton |
P-class sailing regatta, Plimmerton |
Mana boatsheds, Pauatahanui Inlet, Porirua |
Zealandia, Karori Sanctuary pontoon |
Zealandia, Karori Sanctuary pontoon |
Zealandia, Karori Sanctuary pontoon |
Predator proof fence, conservation |
Predator proof fence, conservation |
Makohine Viaduct, Central North Is. |
Makohine Viaduct, Central North Is. |