Tarndale Cattleyards |
Cattle in the Tarndale cattleyards |
Young cattle at Tarndale |
Testing cattle heifers for TB |
Testing cattle heifers for TB |
Testing cattle heifers for TB |
Testing cattle heifers for TB |
Musterers horses |
Cattle at Tarndale |
Tarndale cob homestead, Molesworth |
Mustering cattle heifers |
Musterers with their horses and dogs |
Musterer with his horse and dogs |
Musterer on horseback |
Molesworth Station cattle mustering |
Molesworth Station cattle mustering |
Musterers with their horses and dogs |
Musterer with his horse and dog |
Farm cattle dogs |
Farm cattle dogs |
Red Gate Hut, Molesworth Station |
Wild Mint herb |
Wild Mint herb |
Sedgemere Tarns, Molesworth Station |
Sedgemere Tarns |
Sedgemere Tarns, Molesworth |
Tarndale cob homestead, Molesworth |
Tarndale cob homestead, Molesworth |
Tarndale, old hut, Molesworth |
Coprosma atropurpurea |
Galium aff. Perpusillum |
New Zealand Violet flower |
New Zealand Violet flower |
Molesworth Rainbow Boundary sign |
Cattle at Tarndale |
Tarndale Cattleyards |
Cattle in the Tarndale cattleyards |
Testing cattle heifers for TB |
Testing cattle heifers for TB |
Testing cattle heifers for TB |
Sedgemere Tarns, Molesworth Stn |