Elliott Biv, Molesworth Station |
Elliott Biv, Molesworth Station |
Elliott Biv, Molesworth Station |
Cattle dogs & horses |
Stockman and dog, Molesworth |
Cattle Muster, Molesworth Station |
River crossing with four wheel drive |
Mountain bikers on Awatere Valley Rd |
Mountain bikers on Awatere Valley Rd |
Mountain bikers on Awatere Valley Rd |
Fly fisherman |
Fly fisherman |
Fly fisherman |
Fly fisherman |
Fly fisherman |
Fly fisherman |
Fly fisherman |
Acheron River Valley |
Acheron River Valley |
Upper Awatere River in flood |
Upper Awatere River in flood, Marlborough |
Molesworth Station Road |
Molesworth Station Road |
Island Saddle |
Island Saddle |
Upper Clarence River valley |
Upper Clarence River valley |
Cattle amongst tussock |
Angus cattle cow, calf and bull |
Angus cattle and Angus cross cows |
Angus cattle and Angus cross cows |
Angus cattle calf in tussock |
Angus Bull |
Angus Bull |
Canada Goose hunting |
Trout fisherman |
Field mushrooms |
Field mushrooms |
Tarndale Alma, Molesworth Station |
Tarndale Alma, Molesworth Station |
Tarndale Station - Molesworth |
Acheron River |
Acheron River |
Acheron River |
Sheep sorrel, borage and hawkweeds |
Sheep sorrel, borage and hawkweeds |
Sheep sorrel, borage and hawkweeds |
Sheep sorrel, borage and hawkweeds |
Students' Suspension Bridge |
Students' Suspension Bridge |
Students' Suspension Bridge |
Students' Suspension Bridge |
Pied Stilts |
Boddington Range panorama |
Boddington Range panorama |
Mountain bikers on Rainbow Road |
Mountain bikers on Rainbow Road |
Mountain bikers on Rainbow Road |
Mountain bikers on Rainbow Road |
Mountain bikers on Rainbow Road |